Fast and Loose

Fast and Loose is an improv comedy show hosted by Hugh Dennis, it aired on BBC 2 in 2011. Each week six performers tackled a series of games in an atmosphere of music, mirth, and mayhem reminiscent of early British Whose Line Is it Anyway? Guests on the show included Greg Davies, Laura Solon, and making two special appearances Wayne Brady. 

Episode Lineups:

  1. Greg Davies, Justin Edwards, Pippa Evans, Humphrey Ker, Marek Larwood, Laura Solon, and special guest David Armand.
  2. Wayne Brady, Justin Edwards, Humphrey Ker, Jonathan Mangum, Jessica Ransom, Laura Solon, and special guest David Armand.
  3. David Armand, Greg Davies, Justin Edwards, Humphrey Ker, Marek Larwood, Jessica Ransom, and special guest Pippa Evans.
  4. Wayne Brady, Ruth Bratt, Justin Edwards, Pippa Evans, Jonathan Mangum, David Reed, and special guest David Armand.
  5. Greg Davies, Justin Edwards, Pippa Evans, Humphrey Ker, Marek Larwood, Laura Solon, and special guest David Armand.
  6. Ruth Bratt, Justin Edwards, Pippa Evans, Humphrey Ker, Tom Parry, David Reed, and special guest David Armand.
  7. Greg Davies, Justin Edwards, Pippa Evans, Humphrey Ker, Marek Larwood, Laura Solon, and special guest David Armand.
  8. David Armand, Greg Davies, Justin Edwards, Humphrey Ker, Marek Larwood, Laura Solon, and special guest Pippa Evans.

Hugh Dennis

Early in his career, Hugh lent his voice to a number of the Spitting Image puppets and worked with Steve Punt, his long standing comedy partner and fellow Cambridge footlights graduate, on Jasper Carrott’s TV shows. The pair then formed half of The Mary Whitehouse Experience (with David Baddiel and Rob Newman) and the rest, as they say, came later. After four seasons on BBC Radio 1, the show transferred to television and was a mega hit- comedy had become the new rock’n’roll. Since then Hugh, a Bishop’s son, has become an almost permanent fixture on hit satirical shows on BBC Radio, including The Now Show, and played memorable characters in a series of BBC 1 sitcoms including the obnoxious GP Piers Crispin in My Hero, the stressed out father, Pete, in Outnumbered, and Toby in Not Going Out.



Fast and Loose is an improv comedy show hosted by Hugh Dennis, it aired on BBC 2 in 2011. Each week six performers tackled a series of games in an atmosphere of music, mirth, and mayhem reminiscent of early British Whose Line Is it Anyway? Guests on the show included Greg Davies, Laura Solon, and making two special appearances Wayne Brady. 

Episode Lineups:

  1. Greg Davies, Justin Edwards, Pippa Evans, Humphrey Ker, Marek Larwood, Laura Solon, and special guest David Armand.
  2. Wayne Brady, Justin Edwards, Humphrey Ker, Jonathan Mangum, Jessica Ransom, Laura Solon, and special guest David Armand.
  3. David Armand, Greg Davies, Justin Edwards, Humphrey Ker, Marek Larwood, Jessica Ransom, and special guest Pippa Evans.
  4. Wayne Brady, Ruth Bratt, Justin Edwards, Pippa Evans, Jonathan Mangum, David Reed, and special guest David Armand.
  5. Greg Davies, Justin Edwards, Pippa Evans, Humphrey Ker, Marek Larwood, Laura Solon, and special guest David Armand.
  6. Ruth Bratt, Justin Edwards, Pippa Evans, Humphrey Ker, Tom Parry, David Reed, and special guest David Armand.
  7. Greg Davies, Justin Edwards, Pippa Evans, Humphrey Ker, Marek Larwood, Laura Solon, and special guest David Armand.
  8. David Armand, Greg Davies, Justin Edwards, Humphrey Ker, Marek Larwood, Laura Solon, and special guest Pippa Evans.

Hugh Dennis

Early in his career, Hugh lent his voice to a number of the Spitting Image puppets and worked with Steve Punt, his long standing comedy partner and fellow Cambridge footlights graduate, on Jasper Carrott’s TV shows. The pair then formed half of The Mary Whitehouse Experience (with David Baddiel and Rob Newman) and the rest, as they say, came later. After four seasons on BBC Radio 1, the show transferred to television and was a mega hit- comedy had become the new rock’n’roll. Since then Hugh, a Bishop’s son, has become an almost permanent fixture on hit satirical shows on BBC Radio, including The Now Show, and played memorable characters in a series of BBC 1 sitcoms including the obnoxious GP Piers Crispin in My Hero, the stressed out father, Pete, in Outnumbered, and Toby in Not Going Out.

